Long-Term Disability Lawyers Chestermere

 What is Long-Term Disability Insurance?

There are times when a serious injury or medical condition can force you to take time off work. You may find that due to your condition, you are unable to complete all or a substantive number of your responsibilities at your current job. While your ability to work may stop, your bills and everyday expenses will not. This happens more often than you might think. In fact, nearly one-quarter of working-age adults had a disability in 2022. Long-term disability insurance can offer protection from financial hardship by paying you a portion of your income which can be used to pay regular expenses such as utility bills or your rent or mortgage.

Long-term disability insurance is often available through your employer’s group insurance plan. You can also purchase LTD privately through an insurance broker. In situations involving a group insurance policy, the premiums can be paid by your employer. Recovering from a serious injury, medical condition, or mental health issue will likely require a significant amount of your time and energy. Long-term disability insurance allows you to focus your efforts on your recovery by stopping your expenses from piling up.

How Can I Qualify for Long-Term Disability Insurance?

Eligibility requirements can vary depending on your insurance company’s policy and conditions. You should read your company’s terms and conditions to determine if you can receive long-term disability benefits. Usually, policies will cover most injuries or illnesses that prevent you from working. Some policies may exclude certain types of conditions. Your insurance company will likely have a thorough process to determine if you are eligible for LTD.

This test can vary from person to person and can depend on how much time has passed since your disability started. For many policies, you will be able to collect benefits for the first two years that you are unable to perform the duties of your own job. This is called the “own occupation test.” This may require medical evidence, a phone interview, and thorough documentation. After the first two years, you will likely need to demonstrate that you are unable to perform duties for any occupation that you would normally be qualified for, depending on your education and experience. This is known as the “any occupation test.”

If you are participating in your company’s assessment process, make sure you are submitting the required documents on time and that you are following any recommended treatment plan. You may find that your assessment is different from what you have previously heard from friends or coworkers. The insurance company typically treats each assessment as its own unique case so do not let this alarm you. This process can feel overwhelming and confusing at times. Consider reaching out to our Chestermere long-term disability lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation.

What Are the Different Types of Disability Insurance?

Sometimes when you find yourself out of work due to an injury or medical condition, it may only be temporary. If you only need to miss a month or two of work to recover, then short-term disability insurance may be the best option. Normally, short-term disability policies will only cover you for about 120 days, but this number can vary depending on the provider. A temporary illness or condition can potentially continue and grow into a more long-term situation. In that case, long-term disability benefits may be necessary. LTD is a more permanent solution when you are unable to work.

Long-term disability benefits don’t stop at covering physical injuries or medical conditions. It can also help with mental health issues that cause you to stop working. Mental health disabilities were among the most common disability types in 2022. You should consult your insurance company’s policy to see what they cover, but conditions that often meet eligibility requirements include:

  • Heart conditions
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chronic pain
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Back problems
  • Lupis
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Bipolar mood disorder
  • Psychological disorders
  • Panic attacks
  • Lyme disease
  • Herniated discs
  • Neurological disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • And more

Your healthcare provider will likely need to hand in documentation that demonstrates how your ailment prevents you from working. Your insurance provider may also request that you are examined by a medical professional of their choosing. After submitting all the necessary information, you may find yourself waiting up to 8 weeks for a decision. There are no set timelines or deadlines for insurance providers to reach a decision. Even after providing adequate proof of your condition, your insurance provider may deny your claim. If that happens, you may want to consider reaching out to our Chestermere long-term disability lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation.

Deciding whether a lawyer should help you with your long-term disability claim is a very personal choice and should not be taken lightly. You may find yourself in a situation where your insurance company has denied your LTD claim. It can be difficult to understand these denials and they can happen for a variety of reasons. Some common reasons that long-term disability claims are denied are:

  • Your insurer does not agree with your doctor(s)
  • You have not followed directions for your treatment plan
  • Your insurance provider believes you can work in a different position
  • You did not fill out a form correctly or some information is missing
  • Your insurer does not believe there is a diagnosis for your condition
  • You have a pre-existing condition that exempts you from collecting LTD benefits
  • Your insurance company does not consider you “totally disabled”

You could be facing a wrongful denial and may be eager to dispute your insurer’s decision. When dealing directly with an insurance company, you are negotiating with a company that likely has years of experience with cases like yours. It may be helpful to have someone on your side who has the necessary knowledge and experience with long-term disability claims. Our legal team may be able to help your recover benefits that were previously denied as well as additional damages such as interests on loans that may have accumulated while you were unable to work. Reach out to our Chestermere long-term disability lawyers today.

Our Chestermere Long-Term Disability Lawyers Offer an Initial Free Consultation. Connect with us today.

For many people in Alberta, long-term disability benefits may be their only option for income replacement when they are unable to work due to their condition. Dealing with a denial of these benefits can feel intimidating and discouraging. But our team is here to help. If you are eligible to dispute the denial of your claim, we may be able to recover compensation that you are owed.

Our Chestermere long-term disability lawyers are familiar with the strategies that are often used by insurance companies when negotiating these claims. Navigating this process is not easy, but you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out today for a free initial consultation.


Our Chestermere practice group can assist with various types of claims.

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