Long-Term Disability Lawyers Leduc

What is Long-Term Disability Insurance?

What would happen if you suffered a serious injury or an unexpected medical condition that forced you to miss work for a significant period of time? Your income may be interrupted but your regular expenses and bills will continue as usual. When dealing with these problems, many Albertans need some form of income replacement to stop them from experiencing financial detriment. Long-term disability insurance is one option for this income replacement and for many, it may be the only option.

You can buy long-term disability insurance privately through a broker or you may have access to it through your employer’s group disability insurance. If going through your employer, then your employer is likely paying the premiums. Sometimes this cost can be shared between the employer and the employee. Navigating a long-term disability claim is not always easy. You may want to contact our Leduc long-term disability lawyers for a free initial consultation.

How Can You Apply for Long-Term Disability Insurance?

The process for applying for long-term disability insurance can be different depending on the insurance company at hand. You should consult your insurance provider to see what steps they will expect you to take. You’ll likely need to retrieve a copy of the initial application form, either from your human resources department at work or possibly your insurance company’s website.

Be aware of any deadlines involved in the application and take care to diarize those dates to stay ahead of them. It’s also important that you’re completely honest and accurate with the information you provide on the different application forms. You don’t need to volunteer anything that isn’t specifically requested but be sure you’re truthful when it comes to the different questions.

It may also be helpful to keep a careful written account of everything you’re doing for your long-term disability claim. You can make note of the different forms you’ve completed so far, any meetings you have with representatives of your insurance provider, and any doctor appointments discussing your injury or medical issue. This can help you stay organized and keep track of where you stand in what can often be a very time-consuming process. You may want to take advantage of other resources as well and schedule a free initial consultation with our Leduc long-term disability lawyers.

What Information is Needed to Apply for Long-Term Disability Benefits?

The information required for a long-term disability benefits claim can vary depending on the insurance company. There are some regular requirements that are common across many providers though. You will likely need to provide demographic information, claim information, banking information, occupational information, and a list of your healthcare providers. Your insurance company will likely require medical documentation regarding your condition and how it prevents you from going to work. Medical evidence is often an essential element of any long-term disability application.

You will likely need to visit your doctor(s) and have them fill out a form on your behalf. This may involve multiple doctor visits and examinations and you will likely need to make sure that your doctor submits their section of the form on time. Your insurer may also request that you complete an examination with a healthcare provider of their choosing. A representative from the insurance company may conduct a phone interview with you to assess your condition and collect information. If your ailment was caused by an injury, they will likely ask about how the injury occurred. There may be an in-person portion of the assessment to observe your occupational duties and responsibilities. The steps in this process may not be what you expected, but it’s important to be patient and fully participate with your insurer.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with your insurance policy as well, especially to determine if your condition is covered. Usually, any ailment that prevents you from working is covered under long-term disability insurance, but you should still consult your plan.

Some common conditions that are covered under these policies are:

  • Migraines
  • Chronic pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • HIV and AIDS
  • Paralysis
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Back pain
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Herniated discs
  • Lupus
  • Psychological disorders
  • Lyme disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Bipolar mood disorder
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Neurological disorders
  • Depression
  • And more

How Will a Pre-Existing Condition Affect my Long-Term Disability Claim?

You may already have a pre-existing medical condition before you experienced the current injury or illness that’s causing you to miss work. Insurers have this concern as well and will often address this in the terms of their policies. You should consult your own policy to see what may be applicable to you. Sometimes a pre-existing condition may be grounds for an insurance company to exclude an individual from claiming long-term disability benefits. Typically, these exclusions only apply if you become disabled within the first year of coverage on most group policies. However, this can vary depending on the provider.

Why Would my Long-Term Disability Claim be Denied?

Balancing your recovery while managing your finances and navigating a long-term disability claim is not easy. At the end of your claim, after possibly waiting up to 8 weeks to hear back from your insurance provider, your claim may be denied. It’s understandable to feel discouraged or disheartened, but it’s important that you understand the reason for the denial.

Long-term disability claims can be denied for a multitude of reasons. Some common reasons for denial are:

  • Your insurance company considers you not “totally disabled”
  • Your insurer believes you’re able to work in another profession
  • You have not followed the steps in your doctor’s treatment plan
  • You have a pre-existing condition that excludes you from collecting LTD benefits
  • The insurance company has evidence that goes against your claim
  • You have left a form incomplete on your application
  • You are breaching a condition in your long-term disability policy

Any one of the above reasons could still be cited in a wrongful denial. At times, insurance companies misapply exclusions or make it difficult to claim LTD benefits. Some of the issues mentioned may call for simple solutions, but others are more complex. Remember you have resources available to help traverse this process.

Call Our Leduc Long-Term Disability Lawyers to Book a Free Initial Consultation.

After receiving a denial for your LTD claim, you may want to dispute it. Keep in mind that your insurance company likely has substantial experience with claims like yours and this undertaking can be daunting. Consider having someone negotiating on your behalf who has similar experience with these claims and is familiar with the tactics employed by these insurance companies. If you qualify to argue your denial, our legal team may be able to help obtain compensation that you deserve. Reach out to our Leduc long-term disability lawyers today and schedule a free initial consultation. And remember, you don’t pay unless we win.


Our Leduc practice group can assist with various types of claims.

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